
Cupping uses suction and negative pressure to draw blood to the surface to help increase circulation, relax the tissue, and reduce pain and inflammation. By creating the histamine reaction, it flushes the area and removes stagnant blood to activate the body’s healing response.


There are three methods of cupping:

Stationary (uses medium to deep depth) - cup is left in place for 5-20min to draw the toxins to the surface and break down deep adhesions and trigger points - stationary is always followed by gliding to flush the area and improve circulation and healing. (pictured here)

Gliding (uses light to medium depth) - with the help of lotion, the gliding of the cup along the tissue helps improve circulation, break down adhesions, and flush the area.

Fast - cups are moved quickly from place the place to help stimulate blood flow and circulation while not leaving excessive markings on the skin.

Cupping can be added to any treatment at no additional cost. For more information or to see if cupping would be beneficial for you, please contact us.