Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is the hands-on manipulation of the body's soft tissue - focusing on the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints - to optimize health and healing.  Common psychological effects include: reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, anger, and confusion as well as increase one's overall well being.  Common physiological effects include: reduction of adhesions, improvement in lymphatic and vascular flow, decrease in pain, improvement in range of motion, and relaxation of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.  The combination of psychological and physiological effects of massage are why it is beneficial to go for a massage once a month as it helps to heal the body and soul.

An initial assessment helps to determine areas that require treatment - this is achieved through taking a full health history, checking ranges of motion, performing a few special tests, and palpating the tissue for any adhesions, tissue tenderness, increase tone, and/or trigger points.  Once the assessment is complete, an individualized treatment plan is created to help address any areas that require attention.  Often times, there is no injury that needs attending to but just general relaxation and destressing - both are great reasons to go for a massage treatment.

Book your appointment today at Maverick Therapy and let the relaxation begin!

For more information on what massage therapy is and how it can help, check out the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO).


Initial Assessment (75min) = $105

Re-Assessment (45min) = $80

Treatment (90min) = $120

Treatment (60min) = $95

Treatment (45min) = $80

Treatment (30min) = $65